In the show See future civilization has lost all ability to see. The mysterious wife of blind warrior Chief, Baba Voss, gives birth to twins. But a traitor amongst the clan gets word to the witch hunters about this mysterious woman and they come seeking her and her newly born children. With their home and way of life threatened, Baba Voss and his clan are led to safety following the instructions of the twins’ natural father. It is soon discovered that Baba Voss’s children can see. The decision is made to keep it secret from the rest of the village for the children’s safety and protection.
Quick Character Thoughts
There are a host of interesting characters throughout this series, but my favorites are Baba Voss, Paris, and Haniwa. Baba Voss is the Chieftan of the Alkenny tribe and tasked with the safety and protection of his clan. At first glance, you understand Baba Voss to be a great warrior and leader. But Baba Voss has a mysterious and violent past of his own and discovering who he is and what he came from was enlightening. To see and understand the contrast between his present life as a family man and his past was a beautiful addition to the storyline of the show.
Paris, played by the illustrious Alfre Woodard, is an elder in the Alkenny Tribe. She becomes an unofficial teacher and caretaker for the twins, Kofun and Haniwa. While Baba Voss and their mother have reservations about their ability to see, Paris understands what a gift it is. She encourages them to do, experience, and learn all the things that the rest have been denied because of their blindness. I love that Paris is unwilling to hold the twins back in their abilities. She knows that their ability to see is a game-changer for all of civilization.
Lastly, in the show See, I loved the character of Haniwa. Of the pair, she is the more adventurous and bold twin. While her brother, Kofun, is generally cautious and a rule follower, Haniwa wants to live life by her own rules. She feels constricted and stifled in her current situation and longs to open up her world and explore. I admire her courage and fearless spirit to discover the unknown. Haniwa can be hot-headed and impulsive, but she is brave and smart, and I am looking forward to seeing the growth in her character as this series continues.
Overall Thoughts
The show See had me all in from the first moment. I really enjoyed Jason Mamoa in this role and the overall story. He really picks his roles well. He knows what he’s good at, and I appreciate that. See is an adventure and a journey of self-discovery for many of the pivotal characters. It also showcases how humans can make a way in this world despite not having all the senses. We tend to discount people who may not have all of the same abilities as us. This show speaks to how people without all of the five senses aren’t necessarily at a disadvantage, and sometimes it can become their greatest gift in survival.
I absolutely loved this show and am awaiting season two! Bravo! For more show recommendations you can click the following links here and here! Please let me know what you thought of this show in the comments!