The Last Ten Days
The last ten days of this series is done! I cannot believe I completed this project! I really enjoyed switching up my routine when it comes to my Gratitude Journaling. But it has also given me an appreciation for the way that I usually record and journal my Gratitude. This project has definitely pushed my creativity to another level and for that I am thankful!
21 and 22
Days 21 and 22 feature the themes Edify and Prayer. I absolutely love the collaging on these pages.

Days 23 and 24
I was stumped with these pages so I did a bit of prep. Thankfully that kicked my ideas into high gear and I came out with this spread for Edify and Love.

Days 25 and 26
For themes of Compassion and Generosity, all I thought was that I wanted to do a black and white spread. Very pleased with the end result!

Days 27 and 28
Admittedly the struggle was real with these pages. Thankfully I managed to produce a spread I’m cool with.

Days 29 & 30
The last two days! These pages, featuring the themes of Restoration and Friendship, were pretty simple but lovely.

Yay! Gratitude Documented 2019 is complete! I’m proud of myself for getting the whole project done and not falling behind. I absolutely enjoyed this project and most likely will be participating next year as well. Just in one short month I can track my growth and pushed the limits of my creativity. And for that, I will always be grateful. For my other posts on Gratitude Documented you can check my links here, here, and here. For more information about the project, in general, check out the Illustrated Faith website. Process Videos can be found on my Youtube Channel. Find the playlist here!